As shown in above image, All houses having their own characterstics. the figure [numbers] shown in above image is just to locate specific house. [numbers may be in different house in your birth chart].
1) First House (or Lagna-Ascendant)
Most Important House, It's Location is the Top-center in your birth chart [here with the no 1. in image] it affects on Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigor, Natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honor,
Dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues,
Longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.
2) Second House [Wealth House - Dhan Sthan]
Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one's power and resources, worldly
Attainments and possession of extrinsic value, jewellery, precious stones, bonds,
Securities and shares, speech, vision, right eye, memory, imagination, nails, tongue,
nose, teeth, chin, family members. This is also a house of death or marak sthana.
Many a learned are of the opinion that education is also a signification of this
house etc.
3) Third House [Work House - Parakram Sthan]
Mental inclination, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study, courage,
Firmness, valour, prowess, heroism, younger brothers or sisters, cousins,
Neighbors, short travels, communications such as railways, wireless, posts and
Telegraphs, correspondence, writings, change of residence, signing contracts or
Agreements, rumors, carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collarbone,
arms nervous system.
4) Fourth House [Relationship House]Mother, one's home (native place), residence, domestic environments, grave,
Private affairs etc., secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines,
Buildings, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water,
Milk, rivers, lakes etc. breasts, Digestion
5) Fifth House [Child house - Santan Sthan]Progeny (children), inclinations, pleasure, artistic talent, recreation, amusement,
Sports, romance, competitive activities like cards, crosswords, lottery, gambling or
Betting, love affairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra-tantra, religions
Mindedness, high learning and wisdom, intelligence, enormous riches, spiritual
Practice etc. and heart & back
6) Sixth House [Dieses & Enimies House -rog , shartu Sthan]
Sickness, diseases, nursing, food, service, employees, subordinates or servants,
debts, cattle, tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, intense anguish,
Litigation etc. stomach
7) Seventh House [Life Partner's House]House of union or earthly ties, legal bondage, partner in life (wife or husband),
Partner in business, conjugal life, influence in foreign countries and reputation
achieved there, sexual life, marital relations, danger to life, marak sthana (house
Of death). Kidneys.
8) Eighth House [ Age House]Longevity or span of life, also called house of death (because end of longevity is
Death); inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratuity, accidents,
Death by drowning, fire or suicide; misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries,
Disgrace, delay, dejection, disappointment, defeat, loss and obstruction, theft,
Robbery, chronic diseases. Sex organs
9) Ninth House [Fortune House]Faith, wisdom and divine worship; fortune or luck (bhagya), philosophy, religious
and philosophical beliefs, meditation, intuition and forethought, places of worship,
sacrifices and charity, father, preceptor (Guru), teaching, Dhanna, grandchildren,
dreams and visions, knees; communication with spirits, long journeys, voyage, air
travel, higher education, foreign travel. Hips and thighs
10) Tenth House [Business House - Karma Sthan]Thighs, honor, dignity, public esteem, name and fame, power prestige, credit (for
good work and conduct), success and status, rank and renown, respect and
reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, permanency
(in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's
parents, religious functions. Government, high position such as President, Prime
Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honor from Government. Bones , skin and teeth
11) Eleventh House [ Benefits House - Labh Sthan]Friends, society, community, favorites, ambitions, wishes, desires and their
fulfillment, gains of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, profits,
prosperity, elder brothers and sisters, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune,
12) Twelfth House [Expenditure Home - Vyay Sthan]Loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses,
drudgery and deception, investments, donations, charities, separation from family,
going to far away places, sorrow and sin, misery and misfortune, poverty,
imprisonment, secret enemies, confinement in hospital, association, fraud, scandal,
disgrace, secret sorrows, success through occult affairs, the feet, the left eye, the
left ear, comforts of bed, debts, life in a foreign place and Moksha (final salvation). Feet.