This blog may help you to know about Vedic Astrology.. and try to findout the solution of problems with various remedies provided by Astrology. I have given blog name with "Ravan"..As he was a Astro Guru and author of a powerful hindu astrology book "Ravan sanhita" also known as "Kali Kitab".
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How to read Birth Chart - III
How any planet is become powerful in such house and some time becomes weak.
So every planet is staying in any of house with 4 stages.. If planet is Swagruhi [in own house] then become extreme powerful.
If planet stationed at some house in which it’s favoring sign is exist then it become Powerful with good result.
If planet found in some house where some adversary sign is exist then planet’s good effect is highly suppressed and it gives malefic result also. Please refer the chart given below.
In above chart, Planet is Swagruhi, Powerful or weak that is decided after the combination of Planet and Sign.
As we already discussed in past blog, In your birth chart every numbers in house representing the sign.
1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pieces
Let’s try to find which planet is Powerful or weak or Swagruhi in any of birth chart,
In above birth chart when we check as per the Table for Planet’s stage and sign no. We can say that no planets stationed as Swagruhi…..
But Rahu & Ketu are powerful…. How???? Check the sign no of house in which Rahu is exist…
That no is “3”. Now as per sign table 3 representing Gemini sign and as per Planet’s stage table Rahu is Powerful in Gemini sign.
Same thing we can check for Ketu.
Now how every planet affects different in each house that we will discussed later.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Birth chart and Deafness
If 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses of birth chart have sin planets and No any good planets are aspect on these houses then person may be get deafness in his life.

If Only sin planets are situated in houses which are marked with ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ in above image (i.e. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu) also these houses are not aspect any good planets (Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Mercury) then Badhir Yog will created in Birth Chart.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Birth chart and Physiological instability
જે સારા હોય છે, એની દશા સારી નથી હોતી!!!!
It may possible some people and so called scientists consider Astrology as a superstition.
Physiological instability / defects:
If in birth chart, in 6th, 8th and 12th House has moon with either Rahu or Ketu then can be born with Physiological instability.
As per abolve image if in birth chart, any of house with mark 'A','B' and 'C' having moon with either Rahu or Ketu then person may be having physiological defects.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Birth chart and Speech Problem
એ બધા એજ રડાવ્યો છે, આખી જીંદગી મને!!!!
We will discuss later about these mystery Yogas and research on YSR's birthchart….
Before this, Let me continue with the information on various Yogas which cause a Physical defect for mankind.
Tutla yoga:
If Venus is present with sin planet in 3rd place then person cannot speak clearly.
If in 3rd place Venus is present with anyone planet among Sun, Mars, saturn, Rahu or Ketu then this Yoga is created.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Saturn in Virgo Sign... શની નો ક્ન્યા રાશી માં પ્રવેશ..
On 9th September Saturn will enter in Virgo sign for next 30months of period.
we want to know that, how this movement will effect on our own moon sign [રાશી].
Aries [મેષ]:
On 9th September mercury will come with Saturn and on 16th September sun will come with Saturn so it will be combination of Saturn, mercury and sun.
1. In 6th place so you will win against your enemy and competitors.
2. In 10th place Jupiter is vakri so it will delay your important works.
3. In 3rd place mars is present so it’s chance for short traveling.
On 9th September your Saturn’s nani panoti will end. So you will feel mentally relax and in you 5th place having combination of 3 planets.. (mercury[બુધ], sun[સુર્ય] and Saturn[શની]).
1. You feel tension for your study and child.
2. In 9th place Jupiter is present so you will face some problems about luck.
3. Mars is present in 2nd place so be careful in your family relationship.
Gemini [મીથુન]:
On 9th September your Saturn’s nani panoti will start but Saturn is present in supportive home so you don’t have to worry too much on this.
1. In 4th place mercury so your business will grow better.
2. In 8th place Jupiter is present so you have to be careful for your health.
In 7th place Jupiter is present so you will face some confusion while taking any decision.
1. In your 12th place mars is present so money expense will increase.
2. On 9th September your Saturn’s 7.5yrs panoti will finish so you will be relaxed.
Leo [સીંહ]:
1. In 6th place Jupiter is present so you will face some problem about health.
2. In 12th place Venus is present so your expenses will increase.
3. On 9th September Saturn will come in your 2nd place so it will complete your 2nd stage of 7.5yrs panoti and your 3rd stage of 7.5yrs panoti will start.
4. 3rd Stage is in base on silver so it is good. But be careful in maintaining of family relationship.
Virgo [કન્યા]:
On 9th September Saturn will come in your 1st place and 1st stage of 7.5yrs panoti is finished.
1. In 1st place Saturn will enforce you to work hard but result will not 100% as your hardwork.
2. Venus will lead you towards high expenses.
Libra[તુલા] :
On 9th September Saturn will come in your 12th place and 1st stage of 7.5yrs panoti will start.
1. 1st stage is on copper stage which will be profitable for you.
2. On 16th September in your 12th place sun, saturn and mercury will combine so you have to be careful for your eye.
3. Be careful when you sign any of important documents.
1. Saturn will be beneficial for you.
2. Combination of sun, saturn and mercury will also beneficial
3. In 8th place mars is present so be careful while driving as there may be chances of accident and expense.
1. In your 10th place saturn, sun and mercury will combine with each other so it is good for your business.
2. In 2nd place Jupiter is present so you will face mentally stress.
1. On 9th september saturn is come in your 9th place and your 2.5yrs small panoti will finished so you will feel relax.
2. Now you are on the way of progress.
3. In your 1st place Jupiter is present so be careful when you take important decision.
1. On 9th September saturn will come in your 8th place and 2.5yrs small panoti in copper stage will start
2. On 16th September sun will come with Saturn so be careful about health.
3. In 5th palace mars is present so please take care while you driving. There may be chances of accident.
1. On 9th September Saturn will come in 7th place so careful about your life partner’s health,
2. Be careful about your partnership in any kind of business.
શની ની પનોતી:
There are 2types of Panoti. Small panoti has 2.5yrs of life and big panoti has 7.5yrs of life.
if saturn comes in 4th or 8th sign from your moon sign then small panoti of saturn will start.
When saturn comes in 12th sign from you moon sign then big panoti of 7.5yrs will start. [e.g. my moon sign is Libra so automatically we will consider it as 1st position. now from Libra 12th Position is Virgo. saturn is going into Virgo sign so we can say that, from 9th September big Panoti for Libra people is going to start.]
Panoti doesn't come with only bad patch it also has very good phase also.. It's phases comes with 4metaphore.
1. Copper Phase: Good result, It will help in your financial condition, You will get benifited from you childrens.
2. Gold Phase: Gives bad result
3. Silver Phase: Good for business, fame, money and all types of happiness.
4. Iron Phase: Physical problem, loss, poorness, blood related health problems..
This panoti will not only matter on your moon sign. perfect predictions or remedies can be suggested only after viewing individual's birth chart only.