Sunday, July 11, 2010

Premature Delivery / Abortion / Miscarriage issues & Astrology

Child related prediction done from the 5th House[house with pink background color in above birthchart] of any Birth chart and 5th House is ruled by Jupiter so if Jupiter exists into 5th House or in any malefic house or any weak position creates the hurdle for the birth of your children.

Even in your birth chart the Panchmesh (Lord of the 5th House depend on the sign (rashi) exist into 5th House) or Lagnesh has malefic relationship with Mercury or Saturn that creates the obstacles in your child birth.

Sometimes in birthchart there are some planetary position which may give you pain on issue of your child birth. e.g. If the Ketu is exist into your 5th house then the person always remain an unsatisfied on child issue (sometime fertility issue also seen). If Rahu is exists into 5th House then person may be least bother about child expectation…

If in birthchart Panchmesh is weak, malefic or staying with enemy planet then also sometime person may remain unsatisfied for child birth.

But we want to discussion and trying to find some detail for dead child born (miscarriage), premature delivery (unsuccessful) or Abortion issues can we check from the birthchart.

If Person has Sun in his 5th House then that lady gives the born of dead child. If in 8th House of birthchart Jupiter or Venus is exists then lady may try to do abortion or gives born to dead child. some time if in 5th House Mars or Venus is exist with malefic situation then that lady can give born to dead child.

As per “Jatak Sardeep” if Venus or Jupiter exist into their own sign then there is a chances of birth of dead child. If Saturn is staying in its own sign then before child birth there may be some Abortion is exist for that lady.

Nearly 50 birth charts are observed during this research.

Few shloks are as given below in reference of above research.

सुते सूर्य मृत्पत्यः ॥ १४३ ॥
(Jatak Tatvam, Pancham Vivek, Shlok 143)

अष्टमे जीवे शुक्रे नष्टगर्भा वा मृत्पत्या ॥ ५४ ॥
(Jatak Tatvam, strijatak, Shlok 54)

निचारिमान्शोपगते जिते स्यात्
काव्येकुजे जन्मम्रूत्प्रजानम् ॥ ४ ॥
(Jatak Sardeep-1, Panchambhav Adhyay, Shlok 4)

मृतापत्या च शुक्रेजयौ सौरो गर्भ्स्रुता भवेत् ॥ ५९ ॥
(Jatak Sardeep-2, Strijatak Adhyay, Shlok 59)

(Research done by: Jyotisha Aacharya Shri Arunkumar Raval)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Narendra Modi Vs SIT on 21st March 2010

The Ghost of 2002 Gujarat Riots who is nurtured by few jobless Human rights activists [e.g. Teesta shetalvad, Arundhati roy, Mukul Sinmha, Mahesh Bhatt] and lots of NGOs are still running behind the Narendra Modi to trap his shadow.

Ironically these NGOs are not remembering the victims of S-6 coach of Sabarmati Express who burned alive and in its repercussion this whole riots done.

This may be my personal feelings on this topic…. But today’s my article is not on this debate but let’s try to check is there any hurdle are exist in near future on Astrological point of view.

General Description based on the Birth Chart:

#. Birth chart is with Libra ascendant which gives the nature of right justice. A person always supports the truth.

#. In property House, Moon creates the “Mangalya Yog” and Mars is in its own house.

#. In 5th House, Jupiter exists in Aquarius sign it mean it is the house of Saturn. So it gives the combination of Justice and Duty in NAMO.

#. In 6th House, Rahu with the Pisces sign which is actually a house of enemy on weaker portion of birth chart. This is leads him in politics and put him on the top most post of Gujarat.

#. Commonly in the birth chart of politician Rahu exist in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th but the Rahu in 6th House gives extra power to NAMO and because of that he can defeat his enemy most of the time..

#. Ketu, Sun & Mercury exists in the 12th House, which create “Budh Aaditya yog” also the 12th house Ketu create sometime situation of going into prison.

Prediction based on the Current Planetary Positions [Gochar]:
#. Saturn currently moving into Virgo sign which is 12th House. So Saturn is moving above the Ketu, Sun & Mercury planets in his birth chart. Due to this till Nov-2011 he may face some issues on his Health.

#. Currently till 26th May 2010, in 10th house [Work House] Mars is moving in Cancer sign which is quite malefic and it hurts his image in politics. Some consequences arise on Judiciary front also.

#. Same situation as mention above is also supported by the current malefic Rahu & Ketu.

#. Jupiter is moving on the Jupiter of Birth chart and Jupiter watching to the 11th house which is quite good and which provide enough resistance from all malefic effects and probably he will comes out from the trap of all cases.

#. 1 or 2months will pass in rough patch but keep in mind…. You can’t trap Lion into cage for long time… Nobody can throw him out of Politics. Some Judiciary problem can expect but he will surely come out from these all…..

A Big Relief to his all fan....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nature of your “Mother in law” from your birth Chart.

In India, All on air daily soaps during evening time in every entertainment satellite channel have one common factor and that is “Saas-Bahu” [mother in law – Daughter in law] drama. In most of the cases mother in law presented as monster.

One my reader sent me an email with strange question “will I get good mother in law??”So I feel I should share something on this topic…..

You can predict your mother in law’s nature from the 10th house of your birth chart.

As per my article of basic knowledge of birth chart, the house with number “2” in above image is the 10th house of Birth chart.

All Numbers from 1 to 12 represents the different signs and the lord of the sign given as below

Lord of the 10th House called as “Dashmesh” (द्श्मेष)
So in above birth chart 10th house is with number “2”. It mean Taurus sign exist into 10th house. Lord of the Taurus sign as per above chart is Venus.
so Venus will called as “Dashmesh” for above birth chart. You can check your Dashmesh as per above process.

Prediction based on Planet:
If Dashmesh is weak or staying into enemy’s house then Mother in law having cheap behavior.

If Dashmesh is staying in his own house or stay in friend’s home or create any RajYog then Mother in law will be Powerful, ruling, keep her words in her behavior and she will behave with you as your real mother.

If Dashmesh is SUN then Mother in law will be like dictator, born ruler and she don’t like anybody go against her decision.

If Dashmesh is Moon or moon exists into 10th House then mother in law will be very polite, soft speaking and caring. Here if Moon is good then mother in law will be much professional and always work based on reality not on emotions. If moon is malefic then mother in law will play with your emotions and cheat you.

If Dashmesh is Mars or exists into 10th House then mother in law will be with tough nature, good orator and always maintains discipline. If Mars is favorable then mother in law will be very helpful and if Mars is malefic then mother in law will have rude and selfish nature.

If Dahsmesh is Mercury or mercury exists into 10th House then Mother in law will be minded and Chatterbox. If mercury is favorable then she will provide protection to you with her mind and if mercury is malefic then her argument will always prove you as the culprit of any unfortunate situation.

If Dashmesh is either Jupiter or Jupiter exists into 10th House then Mother in law always keep talking about character and philosophy but behave exact opposite of it. If Jupiter is favorable in your birth chart then mother in law will be caring and very soft hearted. If Jupiter is malefic then mother in law will be very sarcastic.

If Dashmesh is Venus or Venus exists into 10th House then Mother in law will be modern and fashionable. If Venus is favorable then she will help you in terms of art but if Venus is malefic then she will act like the King “Aurangzeb” and hates any form of Art.

If Dashmesh is Saturn or Saturn exists into 10th House then mother in law will be very stubborn, narrow minded. If Saturn is favorable then she will be helpful in any complex social problems and if Saturn is malefic then mother in law will keep you busy in lots of social problems.

If Rahu exists into 10th House then mother in law will be lazy and always opposing your work.

If Ketu exists into 10th House then mother in law interested in your work.

Prediction based on the position of the Dashmesh:

If Dashmesh exists into 1st House then mother in law will have same nature as you.

If Dashmesh exists into 2nd House then mother in law will be like your family member.

If Dashmesh exists into 3rd House then mother in law’s nature will be like your siblings.

If Dashmesh exists into 4th House then mother in law will be like your real mother.

If Dashmesh exists into 5th House then nature of mother in law will be exactly same as you wish.

If Dashmesh exists into 6th House then Mother in law’s nature will be like your own real family member [parent’s home for women] and very helpful.

If Dashmesh exists into 7th House then mother in law will be like your spouse, very loving.

If Dashmesh exists into 8th House then Mother in law can keep your secrete very safe.

If Dashmesh exists into 9th House then Mother in law will always provide motivation for taking calculative risk.

If Dashmesh exists into 10th House [Swagruhi] then Mother in law will be ideal.

If Dashmesh exists into 11th House then mother in law will helpful to increase your fame.

If Dashmesh exists into 12th House then mother in law will be like your enemy.

Dear Readers, Your concerns on various astrological topics gives me continuous strength to research on it. Your feedbacks are highly appreciable.

Monday, January 25, 2010

All we are saying…. “Give Peace a chance”

Punch line from the revolutionary song of John Lenon (Member of Beatles Rock band) are now become the biggest necessity of Mankind.

This is my first note which has nothing to do with Astrology. We mankind had produced already more than 30 active battle fields (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia etc…) and everyday this International Terrorism being a culprit of creating more and more graveyard.

One of the most sarcastic appreciation given by my one of reader is “I think you feel happy on any XYZ disaster as it is something relate with astrology or you have predicted”.

How could I? Everybody feel pain… on the matter of terrorism we mankind can resolve problem but how could we resolve the issue of Natural Disaster.

For some Natural Disaster, we are the culprit (knowingly / unknowingly) [e.g. Issues of Global warming] but what about Earthquake, Volcano eruption etc.???

We mankind believe in GOD (G = Generator, O = Operator, D = Destroyer) and his act.

Few days ago biggest earthquake destroy the Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti and 0.2Million peoples lost their lives and thousands are injured.

No one remains unaffected. Even President’s palace is also destroyed.

Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Justice Minister & Opposition Leader of Haiti were killed in disaster. Over 3 Million people had been affected by the quake.

My personal salute to every celebrity who try to generate fund for Haiti, every rehabilitation Team, NGO, UN..etc.

Only sentence from mankind is “We are with you Haiti”.

We pray to GOD that the soul of all killed people rests in eternal peace.