Punch line from the revolutionary song of John Lenon (Member of Beatles Rock band) are now become the biggest necessity of Mankind.
This is my first note which has nothing to do with Astrology. We mankind had produced already more than 30 active battle fields (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia etc…) and everyday this International Terrorism being a culprit of creating more and more graveyard.
One of the most sarcastic appreciation given by my one of reader is “I think you feel happy on any XYZ disaster as it is something relate with astrology or you have predicted”.
How could I? Everybody feel pain… on the matter of terrorism we mankind can resolve problem but how could we resolve the issue of Natural Disaster.
For some Natural Disaster, we are the culprit (knowingly / unknowingly) [e.g. Issues of Global warming] but what about Earthquake, Volcano eruption etc.???
We mankind believe in GOD (G = Generator, O = Operator, D = Destroyer) and his act.
Few days ago biggest earthquake destroy the Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti and 0.2Million peoples lost their lives and thousands are injured.
No one remains unaffected. Even President’s palace is also destroyed.
Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Justice Minister & Opposition Leader of Haiti were killed in disaster. Over 3 Million people had been affected by the quake.
My personal salute to every celebrity who try to generate fund for Haiti, every rehabilitation Team, NGO, UN..etc.
Only sentence from mankind is “We are with you Haiti”.
We pray to GOD that the soul of all killed people rests in eternal peace.
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
Brim over I to but I contemplate the brief should have more info then it has.
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