In India, All on air daily soaps during evening time in every entertainment satellite channel have one common factor and that is “Saas-Bahu” [mother in law – Daughter in law] drama. In most of the cases mother in law presented as monster.
One my reader sent me an email with strange question “will I get good mother in law??”So I feel I should share something on this topic…..
You can predict your mother in law’s nature from the 10th house of your birth chart.
As per my article of basic knowledge of birth chart, the house with number “2” in above image is the 10th house of Birth chart.
All Numbers from 1 to 12 represents the different signs and the lord of the sign given as below
Lord of the 10th House called as “Dashmesh” (द्श्मेष)
So in above birth chart 10th house is with number “2”. It mean Taurus sign exist into 10th house. Lord of the Taurus sign as per above chart is Venus.
so Venus will called as “Dashmesh” for above birth chart. You can check your Dashmesh as per above process.
Prediction based on Planet:
If Dashmesh is weak or staying into enemy’s house then Mother in law having cheap behavior.
If Dashmesh is staying in his own house or stay in friend’s home or create any RajYog then Mother in law will be Powerful, ruling, keep her words in her behavior and she will behave with you as your real mother.
If Dashmesh is SUN then Mother in law will be like dictator, born ruler and she don’t like anybody go against her decision.
If Dashmesh is Moon or moon exists into 10th House then mother in law will be very polite, soft speaking and caring. Here if Moon is good then mother in law will be much professional and always work based on reality not on emotions. If moon is malefic then mother in law will play with your emotions and cheat you.
If Dashmesh is Mars or exists into 10th House then mother in law will be with tough nature, good orator and always maintains discipline. If Mars is favorable then mother in law will be very helpful and if Mars is malefic then mother in law will have rude and selfish nature.
If Dahsmesh is Mercury or mercury exists into 10th House then Mother in law will be minded and Chatterbox. If mercury is favorable then she will provide protection to you with her mind and if mercury is malefic then her argument will always prove you as the culprit of any unfortunate situation.
If Dashmesh is either Jupiter or Jupiter exists into 10th House then Mother in law always keep talking about character and philosophy but behave exact opposite of it. If Jupiter is favorable in your birth chart then mother in law will be caring and very soft hearted. If Jupiter is malefic then mother in law will be very sarcastic.
If Dashmesh is Venus or Venus exists into 10th House then Mother in law will be modern and fashionable. If Venus is favorable then she will help you in terms of art but if Venus is malefic then she will act like the King “Aurangzeb” and hates any form of Art.
If Dashmesh is Saturn or Saturn exists into 10th House then mother in law will be very stubborn, narrow minded. If Saturn is favorable then she will be helpful in any complex social problems and if Saturn is malefic then mother in law will keep you busy in lots of social problems.
If Rahu exists into 10th House then mother in law will be lazy and always opposing your work.
If Ketu exists into 10th House then mother in law interested in your work.
Prediction based on the position of the Dashmesh:
If Dashmesh exists into 1st House then mother in law will have same nature as you.
If Dashmesh exists into 2nd House then mother in law will be like your family member.
If Dashmesh exists into 3rd House then mother in law’s nature will be like your siblings.
If Dashmesh exists into 4th House then mother in law will be like your real mother.
If Dashmesh exists into 5th House then nature of mother in law will be exactly same as you wish.
If Dashmesh exists into 6th House then Mother in law’s nature will be like your own real family member [parent’s home for women] and very helpful.
If Dashmesh exists into 7th House then mother in law will be like your spouse, very loving.
If Dashmesh exists into 8th House then Mother in law can keep your secrete very safe.
If Dashmesh exists into 9th House then Mother in law will always provide motivation for taking calculative risk.
If Dashmesh exists into 10th House [Swagruhi] then Mother in law will be ideal.
If Dashmesh exists into 11th House then mother in law will helpful to increase your fame.
If Dashmesh exists into 12th House then mother in law will be like your enemy.
Dear Readers, Your concerns on various astrological topics gives me continuous strength to research on it. Your feedbacks are highly appreciable.